Saturday, July 17, 2004

A Winter's Day

A W D new link 7/9/04

I've just discovered an animation that relates to Marv Newland's Anijam. A Winter’s Day is an animation film that draws it's technical concept from the Japanese literary form of the renku. Thirtyfive animators from around the world respond to a Matsuo Basho poem. Matsuo Basho is one of Japan's most famous haiku poets, celebrated for popularizing renku, a chain poem in which different poets take turns to compose haiku verses.

I haven't found any more information on techniques so I'll just pop up the link and a quote for now.
“Actually its directed by 35 animators from all over the world, primarily from Japan though. They took a long poem and each director took a haiku and they did it in animation, using their own particular style. Its quite interesting and quite amazing all the various animation styles” Dave Chua, organizer of Animation Nation, Singapore’s Animation Film festival. 2004

Mark Baker has animated a short (1’40”) sequence for Imagica Japan’s film “Winter Days”. Animators from around the world have interpreted the 36 linked verses (renku) contained in Matsuo Basho's poem "Fuyu No Hi" (Winter Days).

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