I wrote this blog entry after watching Totoro:
For some reason it has triggered a memory in me.
One of wombats, many wombats.
A 'swarm' infact. A 'crew' of wombats. What is the
right term for these funny beasts?
I think a 'babomba' of wombats.
I was surrounded by a babomba of wombats whilst
camping. They were everywhere (at least
50)......munching on the surrounding lushious
grasses. It was a really pleasant symphony of close
and distant munching, mixed with the odd grunt.
Quite a relaxing sound to doze off to really.
Suddenly something disturbed them and they
babombared away across the grass and down the
surrounding ditches! The ground shook and
rumbled as they went!
It was really quite scarey... and amusing.
There are moments in Totoro that feel so similar to
this memory. The bus stop scene in particular.
I am too tired to ravel today's waffle up into some
kind of pertinent point.
I think perhaps I am avoiding all of my posed
questions on purpose because I am poised to drop
the 'improvisation in animation' ideas and venture
off in a slightly different direction. How do comics
relate to animation? Thats a bit broad
really......but another beginning..
I say 'pish' to this blog today.
...this 'wombatblog' was written afewweeksago........
========things in need of ponderment======
Ma presentations at AIM
research, research, research+wotnot
2 Svankmajer films:
'Otesanek'(little Otik)
2 French animations:
'Triplets of Bellville'
'Raining Cats and Frogs'
Packing and moving.
House and dog sitting for three weeks.
Anges the smelly itchy dog.
noooooo internet connection for three weeks.
bh (for furture reference thats short for
'bloodyhell', which is really quite an
awful term when you think about it.
Which more often than not I don't.
Words are so different when they're
on a page/screen. )
Guitar Favourites by Norbet Kraft-theme music for the moment. Classical guitarist's hands are quite intriguing. I wonder if I could animate such hands and capture their splendidity.
'Norbert' describes his face most certainly, and 'Kraft' describes his guitary hands.
(looking at the picture on the front of the CD)
Maybe we grow into our names......?
Perhaps I'll change my name to 'Caramel Flan'