Wednesday, April 06, 2005

An anti-schmick picture for our entertainment, albeit brief.


I animated some bats on was quite a splendid experience I must say. When I am animating I am held by a sensation that can only be described as being in tune. It is really quite nice. I am still thinking about the ol' "Improvisation and Animation" research paper I wrote last year. I wonder if that feeling that I am getting during the creation of an animation can be expressed to the viewer. This reminds me of when I used to play music with Cam, Ted and Cloocas. There were occasional gigs that would have a moment in a song where it would feel as though everyone in the room listening had felt the same sensation of can I describe it...perhaps I can't. Perhaps it is just a connection. Perhaps I just don't have words for it right now. It is music that does it though, and really we must all know that sensation that music is capable of imbuing in us. Like a transendence of some sort. I do go on in my sleepy and somewhat delerious current mindframe, perhaps I am just inspired by a song that I rediscovered recently. It is the most beautiful arrangement and refreshingly textured song. The first time I heard it I felt it had cast a spell on me.


Goodnight and wot not

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