Saturday, May 23, 2020

promise; commodity

I've really needed to post music musings... not a lot of head-space during Covid19 Stage3 restrictions though. 

Focused on hand-clap songs last week.
Here are two:

It's so A-ha, with a little Kim Wilde sentiment mixed in for good measure. I love it. Have this on a playlist I've made that is quite poppy main-streamish. Realised that most of the songs I'd included had hand-claps and wondered about the hows and whys behind the hand-clap. How it fits in with a particular kind of pop song... It is quite a cheesy element,  though perhaps like a sprinkle of happy.  When I become conscious of hand-claps I'm reminded of watching Countdown and some god awful song called "Hooked on Classics". 

The Mark Ronson, Miley Cyrus song "Nothing Breaks like a Heart" rocks the hand-claps. It is a great song, a really a lovely pastiche (you know what I'm talking about).

So yes, I've been thinking deeply about hand-claps over the last few weeks when I'm out with headphones on. hahaha! 

There's also this kind of lovely Belle and Sebastian natural hand-clap. Happy, and interestingly lightening the mood of the lyrics. 

 I'll be stealing some time today to sketch out a little grasp of an idea that came recently in one of those night time waking moments. Catch that inspiration. Conversion of a spectacular failure into 'Project Imagination Platter'. Take your pick. Placing inspiration still. Here for this, finding my place - mojo unreachable but glitters out there somewhere. *tinkle tinkle*

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