Wednesday, June 18, 2008


She was sitting there for ages, that is until o.f. threw her a prawn.

Visiting o.f. on the weekend, and who should appear? This beautiful young seal. As I took pictures from the edge of the pier she hopped up and sat down next to me (an arms length away). When I was little I read a book called Seal Morning by Rowena Farr, it was about her time in a croft in the Scottish Highlands and how they had a seal come and spend the winter with them (and play trumpets). Ever since I was always keeping my eyes peeled for seals. I did see one on the Ilse of Skye, several years ago, who sat and watched me from the water with out me noticing it for quite some time. But this little one on Sunday was just lovely.
So relaxed. Like a little dog.
......Back to drawing.

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