Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Fripper

Here he is - a little Fripper.
"honk honk" he says in a goose like fashion, wishing you all Christmas Cheer.
(he looks like he is choking - not surprised with all this smoke around!)

Smokey Melbourne.

Here is a link to a funny little animation.
planty eyes
I think I put this link up about a year ago, but on watching it again I thought,
well it's so quirky I'll pop it up again...
nice 'authentic' camera movement.

More smokey Melbourne.

1 comment:

Ian T. said...

Planty Eyes is brilliant! I had thought maybe some went by a little too fast, but that's part of the fun, and the recap of some favourites at the end is perfect.

I love the sense of plants turning into animals!