Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sunday Fripper

Rufous Scrub Fripper

Well here is another bird I drew. Another Fripper.

The TANGO #6 launch today was a treat. Quite a spicey book. I haven't managed to read all of it yet, though so far I am impressed. Andrew Weldon's comic is particularly poignant, in that it sums up my fears for what may well have ended up in this issue of TANGO - the theme being Love and Sex. It is good to see that the contributors have managed to stretch their minds, hearts and pens beyond a quick tossy response to the theme. Bernard gave a fantabulous speech as is his wont, and the general atmosphere was that of many happy comix folk, with the odd Caleo darting hither and thither.


Anonymous said...

haha how good was bernard!? he completely won the crowd over!

i don't know why, but he reminded me of a certain psychopathic kubric character:

(it was either due to the hair, or the over acting! ;)

Majane said...

So cute!

Ian T. said...

Yay, and a fine book it is indeed! We appear to be in a few books out at the moment - love your work! Cheers, Ian T.