Monday, April 27, 2009


The SMoACfyc Calendar was launched on Saturday. Was fantastic. Bernard's speech was marvelous.
My fever managed to subside for an hour with the aid of aspro.

A small bird was trapped in my fireplace this morning. Scratching and occasionally tweeting. I managed to wrench open the fireplace door (which probably hasn't been opened since 1896) and within a few minutes the poor little thing had clambered out. A little Indian Minor bird. Skipped around the room a couple of times (the bird that is) and then stepped up to the window sill and flew away.

I did this little animation last year. I don't think I've put it up anywhere. I will be missing Secret Handshake tomorrow night which is a disappointment - I thought I might have a little animation ready for them - but alas. So this is a little gesture towards the Secret Handshakers - a little, gentle animation made in an evening.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Friday, April 03, 2009

Bernard - a work in progress

Here is sample of sketches to demonstrate the work in progress.

I don't really want to do a "Spooner" style cartoon of Bernard. I'm aiming to stick to my own style - that is to say, to be comfortable with my own interpretation of Bernard, rather than aiming for something that would be a typical 'look' for a paper.

The format is A4 LANDSCAPE - which is particularly difficult for a portrait, so I have developed (over many many loose sketches) a pose that suits both Bernard's personality and the landscape format.

Getting back to work...

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Ticks and Fleet Foxes

I'm listening to Fleet Foxes as I draw. (As well as watching this beautiful WWF ad over and over again.)

Drawing Bernard Caleo

This is a Windsor Mccay comic - I'll come up with a date for it shortly. Something like 1920??

I'm drawing Bernard today for The Sexy Men of Australian Comics 2009-2010 Financial Year Calendar - available from the 25th of April.
!! Quite a challenge - but i have some sketches on the boil so to speak. ....

SlagsmÄlsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
by Tomas Nilsson