Thursday, September 14, 2017


I have been writing so much lately, but never here. Currently there is no animation going down, however said writing is fuelled by and is fuelling musics. Which is challenging and delightful. Challenging because my grasp on the craft hasn't developed to the point where it really could be. And also loose sketches are easy to fire up, but finessing their structure and form relies on quite a lot of focus and time. Time is a little broken at the moment. Broken into little 'dailies', which is the case for everyone I suppose. Anyway. There's some music going on and regardless, there's just some songs to be made.
Here are my boat chaps, just a phone snap of a little sketch.

I am utterly in love with music at the moment. It is quite refreshing. I think my current Spotify playlist is actually warbling off into a reasonable algorithm...
Here, some Soundclouds...

*Black Sun, clip award for 2015, in my books at least.
(As well as Huarache Lights by Hot Chip... That's a cracker.)

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