I've been printing a bit of late and though the deadline is fast approaching it is really quite lovely to go into APW and smear ink onto a copper plate. I am feeling a little more confident with my printmaking skills...as with most things its something that will only improve with practice. I am starting to feel I have enough control over the process to
almost get what I want. The one problem is that I can't hand wipe as my skin reacts to the ink. Probably a good thing... as it is quite toxic. Really I would like to dive in there with the palm of my hand though..for the finishing touch.
Here is a picture of some prints from last weekend.
Yesterday I picked up my three images from the Hardcopy exhibition. News is...I won the Judges award. That was quite a surprise I must say. :)
Other news, well I am off to Whyalla (did I spell that correctly?) next week for another USMOB workshop. Its going to be a hectic November quite frankly..... somehow I still manage to maintain my ambling tardy-lady ways. :o
To hectic for Deadmines?
Seemingly. Somebody can't spell "too".
Tch tch
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