Heavens to Betsy, I seem to be behind schedule today! EEK!
Woo. This site has some pretty little games. Pretty simple....and pretty boring sometimes, but pretty nonetheless. Some have quite engaging soundtracks too.
So far roperunner is my favourite (fourth down on the left) but I think that is because of the music.
I saw this animation last year at the festival, quite amazing on the big screen OiO
Some other short anim links: BAF 04
Oi oi oi, I've found some trailers for The District
that 'district' film is quite something .... still trying to figure out how that was done.
and oh! thanks for illustrationfriday... i entered ! :)
Mm. The District was amazing. Quite funny too. It was a bit like Angela Annaconda - (the way that they dealt with the faces and expressions.) It is 3D AND sketchy. Which seems to be the 'flavour' of choice lately. Suits me.
The music is pretty snazzy.
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