Finally I have finished my showreel. I battled for quite some time with what seemed to be incompatible movie settings - It turned out to be a corrupt file that was cruddifying the 'Toots' clips. I'll have to compress it before I pop it up on inkwinks
Today I am sorting out my pix for the StyleFile
These are images they chose:
Anything new?
Why yes, an animated mobile I made the other night. I was trying to make a place for my dancing skeleton. So I thought they'd look good swinging around in a mobile - not mobile phone, silly, mobile spinny thing -
I've popped this little animation onto my inkwinks site, so far without the skeletons because I enjoy it equally as an abstract version. However I will swap it soon for the Skeleton Dance version. It is all very 'tweeny' admittedly. The music used is also on my showreel - a favourite guitarist:
I have been chatting with Hee lately, and looking at her magnificent site:
Hee's nest. Also her magnificent watercolours that she has been doing lately.
Other stuff I have been perusing of late:
alex (disinfo chap) burns' blog
David's animation pages on the AIM site
Went to see Buster Keaton films with Blue Grassy Knoll playing live! Was FANTASTIC!