Lull and Mooch
There are so many animation thoughts to pen and place here. My research has provided me with words for ideas, ideas for words, and with animations to lull me further into ....research. However I am still scratching the surface, I am certainly no academic, and I am only just starting to see the light and glimpse the word "closure" on the horizon.
I can't wait.
Last night I chatted with my house guest Toni about animation. She is putting together an "animation kit" for Screensound Australia at the moment, so it is nice to share thoughts on animation with her. I tried to explain Chris Hinton's FLUX. It needs to be experienced in a cinema methinx. We talked of the value of sound in animation.
I would really love to see "2D or not 2D" again by Paul Dreissen. Infact, I may well deem him Animator of the Month.
Paul Dreissen
Which reminds me. The Melbourne International Film Festival screened excellent animations this year and I've not imbued my blog with enough enthusiasm on the event as yet.
One of my favourites was 1+1 by Grigoris Leontiades
I am attempting to sew together certain aspects of my paper today. The Discussion, Results and Conclusion sections look as if what I've researched has come out in a sneeze.
Sneeze residue.