In the midst of my sleep last night Raj phoned me! Woke me up and preceded to blabber on to me about his wonderous life in Dubai, whilst he drove home. I can't even remember what we talked about. Twas lovely to hear his happy voice though.
News is: the animation festival was really inspiring! (Although I missed quite alot as I was feeling poorly.) Will write some festival thoughts on the weekend.
Truly ruly I am busy. I wants to write a little about some animated Crabs, Windyness, and... Priit. (Wants??? Thats a bit Gollum: me wants it!)
Today I finished animating some convicts at Stowaways... it has been most pleasing - nope they're not perfect...they have virtually no bodily manouvres, just some teethy lipsync that almost syncs. I threw in a couple of "mad-eye" expressions that seemed to add to the whole convicitty feel.
I am finishing off a comic right now...um... just waiting 'till the room has warmed up a little more before I get stuck into it.
Also news, I received a package from the Style File yesterday. They returned the selection of work I sent to them in April. Lo and Behold they are keen to include 4 of my illustrations on their "whos-cool-in-illustration" website. This could be a good thing...I think.
Brrr what a chilly day.