Last night I watched a video on William Kentridge that David passed on to me. In many ways Kentridge's work process illustrates the point I am trying to make or the questions I am exploring.
The content of his work is not what I am focusing upon, moreso the way he works.
When I talk of improvising I am not suggesting the animator skips over the whole pre-production process. This is exactly the question. How can it/pre-production be set up to provide the "vehicle" of improvisation for the animator to explore ideas.
Kentridge's act of animating during the production stage is very physical. His work is extensively researched, and the preproduction is meticulously designed so as to create the perfect environment for which to produce an animation that allows for a large percentage of spontaneous/intuitive creation. His technique is very focused...Meaning that, and I'll have to qualify this presumably if its to enter my paper, it seems his production process has been developed via a natural progression or path as an artist entering a medium that best a) expresses his ideas and b) realises (certain elements of) his ideas within the act of creation.
note to me and you: Kentridge's animations are on at ACMI